Classroom Resources

Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday, September 30th

Writing - Today we finished our first drafts, we will begin publishing over the next few days.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 102-103 & 104 and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 3.4

Science - Today we began our last Physical Science chapter: Simple Machines.  We were introduced to some examples of simple machines and learned about work.  Students need to complete Physical Science Packet page 55 for homework.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, September 27th

Writing - Today we selected a draft to begin publishing next week.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 97 & 100-101 and Free Reading

Math - HomeLink #9 (Place Value)

Science - Force and Motion Chapter Test: No Homework

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday, September 26th

Writing - Today we used our writing time to share our LEAD21 Inquiry Presentations for Common Ground.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 94 & 96 and Free Reading

Math - "Green" Problem Solving Packet page 13

Science - Today we continued reviewing force and the laws of motion by completing the Conclusion and Review on textbook pages 118 & 119, students should also continue working on their Force and Motion Study Guide: TEST TOMORROW.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, September 25th

Writing - Late Start Schedule: No Writing.

Reading - Free Reading and Inquiry Project Research: Presentations TOMORROW.

Math - HomeLink #8 (Place Value)

Science - Today we began reviewing force and the laws of motion by completing the Force and Motion Study Guide:  TEST ON FRIDAY.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday, September 24th

Writing - Today we created "Top Ten" Lists to help us generate new writing ideas.

Reading - Free Reading and Inquiry Project Research: Presentations TOMORROW.

Math - HomeLink #7 (Multiplication)

Science - Today we learned about Newton's Laws of Motion: Complete Physical Science Packet page 54.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, September 23rd

Writing - Today we read Can It Rain Cats and Dogs by Melvin & Gilda Berger to inspire us to write non-fiction question & answer text.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 67 & 91-92, Inquiry Project Research, and Free Reading: Unit 1 Differentiated Unit Assessment TOMORROW.

Math - "Green" Problem Solving Packet page 7

Science - Today we learned about gravity and Sir Isaac Newton, we will continue learning about Newton's Laws of Motion tomorrow: No Homework.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday, September 20th

Writing - Today we read Water Dance by Thomas Locker to inspire us to write from the perspective of an inanimate object, we will continue writing in this style next week.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 74-75, 78, & 79, Inquiry Project Research, and Free Reading

Math - HomeLink #6 (Place Value)

Science - Today we learned about friction and air resistance, we will continue learning about gravity next week: No Homework.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, September 19th

Writing - Grammar Skills Packet: Rule #5 (Plural Nouns)

Reading - Practice Companion pages 69 & 72-73, Inquiry Project Research, and Free Reading

Math - HomeLink #5 (Prime & Composite Numbers)

Science - Today we learned about friction, we will continue learning about air resistance tomorrow: No Homework.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, September 18th

Writing - Late-Start Schedule: No Writing.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 66 & 68, Inquiry Project Research, and Free Reading

Math - HomeLink #4 (Multiplication Problems)

Science - Today learned that you can describe motion by using direction and speed: Complete Physical Science packet page 52.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, September 17th

Writing - We used sensory details to describe ordinary moments in life.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 61-63, INQUIRY PROJECT RESEARCH, and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 2.8

Science - Today we investigated force by measuring the number of newtons needed to move different amount of textbooks: No Homework.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday, September 16th

Writing - We revisited our school-wide expectations for behavior by writing positive statements of what each behavior would look and sound like around the school.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 14 & 32, Inquiry Project Research, and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 2.7

Science - Physical Science Packet page 178

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday, September 13th

Writing - Today we read "Lemonade" and "Backyard Bubbles"  by Rebecca Kai Dotlich for inspiration with writing about ordinary moments in life.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 47, 58, & 60 and FREE READING

Math - Math Progress Assessment Day: NO HOMEWORK

Science - Changing Matter Chapter Assessment: NO HOMEWORK

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, September 12th

Writing - Today we read Scranimals  by Jack Prelutsky for inspiration with writing poems and creating new words/animals.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 54-55, 57, & 59 and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 2.6 and the green Problem Solving Packet Pg. 6

Science - Complete the conclusion & review questions on textbook pages 80-81 then continue to study the Physical Science Study Guide: TEST TOMORROW.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday, September 11th

Writing - Late Start Schedule: No Writing.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 49 & 52-53 and Free Reading

Math - Math Journal page 41 and StudyLink 2.5

Science - Read textbook pages 76-79 and complete Physical Science Packet page 51.  Study and complete the Physical Science Study Guide: TEST ON FRIDAY.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday, September 10th

Writing - Today we read Musical Instruments from A to Z by Bobbie Kalman to inspire our writing with an A to Z pattern.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 46 & 48 and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 2.3 or HomeLink #1-3 Packet

Science - Today we continued learning about chemical changes and discussed burning, rusting, cooking, and souring: Complete Physical Science Packet page 50 for homework.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday, September 9th

Writing - Today we read If You Hopped Like a Frog by David Schwartz to inspire our writing with a repeating sentence pattern.

Reading - Practice Companion page 17 and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 2.4

Science - Today we began learning about chemical changes, we'll learn more about this tomorrow: No Homework.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday, September 6th

Writing - Grammar Skills Packet pages 17 & 18

Reading - Practice Companion pages 21 & 31 and Free Reading

Math - Subtraction Worksheet (A)

Science - Today we learned about physical changes: Complete Physical Science Packet page 49.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday, September 5th

Writing - Today we continued writing about memories from our own lives using Patricia Polacco's books as inspiration.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 28-29 & 30 and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 2.2

Science - Today we discussed our investigation over the physical changes of water, and why our predictions might have been off.  We also began learning about this chapter's science vocabulary: Complete Physical Science Packet page 172.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday, September 4th

Writing - Late Start Schedule: No Writing.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 23 & 26-27 and Free Reading

Math - Math Journal page 32

Science - Today we started an investigation over the physical changes of water, we will see if our predictions are correct tomorrow: No Homework.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday, September 3rd

Writing - Today used Writing time to create "On-the-Spot" partnerships based on similar interests and readiness levels.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 20 & 22 and Free Reading

Math - Lattice Multiplication Worksheet

Science - Describing Matter Chapter Test Today: NO HOMEWORK.