Classroom Resources

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday, May 20th

Writing - We continued our poetry unit today by drafting poems about things that move or make noise.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 350-351, 354, & 355, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #19

Math - We completed the 5th Grade Math Posttest today: No Homework.

Social Studies - We learned about the precedents established by George Washington as the first president, including the formation of the cabinet, by reading textbook pages 322 - 325, complete packet page 130, 131, and 132. BE SURE TO BE STUDYING THE VOCABULARY AND SEQUENCE OF EVENTS FOR OUR TEST.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday, May 17th

Writing - No Writing: Schedule Change due to Field Day.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 348-349 & 345, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #18

Math - No Math: Schedule Change due to Field Day.

Social Studies - We learned about the structure of the federal government and checks & balances by reading textbook pages 318 - 321, complete packet page 128. BE SURE TO BE STUDYING THE VOCABULARY AND SEQUENCE OF EVENTS FOR OUR TEST.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday, May 16th

Writing - We took the Being a Writer End-of-Year Writing Prompt today, we will continue our poetry unit tomorrow: No Homework.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 342 & 344, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #18

Math - We measured our heart rates to create graphs used to compare and interpret data:  Math Journal page 421 and StudyLink 12.7

Social Studies - We sequenced the process of the Constitutional Convention by reading textbook pages 310 - 315, complete packet page 124.  BE SURE TO BE STUDYING THE VOCABULARY AND SEQUENCE OF EVENTS FOR OUR TEST.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday, May 15th

Writing - No Writing: Late-Start Schedule.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 323 & 336, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #18

Math - We practiced using the traditional method of multiplication then played Spork Scramble to practice finding equivalent expressions: No Homework.

Social Studies - We learned about the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and life after the Revolutionary War by reading pages 305 - 309, complete packet page 122.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday, May 14th

Writing - We continued our poetry unit today by drafting poems that look like the subject they are written about.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 330-331, 333, 334, & 335, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #18

Math - We went outside to observe, measure, and calculate the area and perimeter of real world objects: No Homework.

Social Studies - Complete our new vocabulary notecards with definitions.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday, May 10th

Writing - We continued our poetry unit today by drafting poems that have different structure/organization.

Reading - We finished reading Passage to Freedom: The Sugihara Story today and made connections while we read:  Practice Companion pages 325 & 328-329, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #17

Math - We played "Spork Scramble" today to practice finding equivalent expressions: No Homework.

Social Studies - Study your vocabulary notecards and graphic organizers (Revolutionary War Causes, Colonial and British Strengths & Weaknesses): Test on Tuesday.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursday, May 9th

Writing - We continued our poetry unit today by using sensory details to help us see, hear, smell, taste, or feel a form/type of weather.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 322 and 324, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #17

Math - StudyLink 12.6 and HomeLink #54-56

Social Studies - Study your vocabulary notecards and graphic organizers (Revolutionary War Causes, Colonial and British Strengths & Weaknesses):  Test on Tuesday.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesday, May 8th

Writing - No Writing: Late-Start Schedule.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 297, 307, and 319-320, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #17

Math - We practiced multiplying a multi-digit decimal by a whole number today by going to differentiated groups in other 5th Grade classrooms: No Homework.

Social Studies - Today we learned what life was like after the Revolutionary War: Read textbook pages 294-297 then complete American Revolution Unit packet page 118 and 119-120.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday, May 7th

Writing - We continued our poetry unit today by using sensory details to help us see, hear, smell, taste, or feel an object chosen in the classroom.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 304-305 & 306, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #17

Math - We practiced subtracting mixed numbers that needed to be regrouped.  Homework: Subtracting Mixed Numbers Worksheets A and B.

Social Studies - Today we learned that with help from other countries, the colonies were able to win the war: Read textbook pages 286-291 then complete American Revolution Unit packet page 116.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday, May 6th

Writing - We began our poetry unit today by learning that poems use sensory details to help us see, hear, smell, taste, or feel what is happening.  We discussed ways to describe the month of July.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 299 and 302-303, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #17

Math - We used number models to help us solve ratio number stories.  Please complete Math Journal pages 412-413, StudyLink 12.5, and HomeLink #53 for homework.

Social Studies - Today we learned about the strengths and weaknesses of the Colonists and the British: Read textbook pages 279-283 then complete American Revolution Unit packet page 112.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday, May 3rd

Writing - We finished sharing our persuasive essays today, we will begin our poetry unit on Monday.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 296 and 298, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #16

Math - We worked on simplifying fractions as well as naming equivalent decimals and percents: No Homework.

Social Studies - Today we learned about the Declaration of Independence: Read textbook pages 270-273 then complete American Revolution Unit packet page 106.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thursday, May 2nd

Writing - We continued sharing our persuasive essays today, we will finish tomorrow.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 279 and 289, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #16

Math - StudyLink 12.4

Social Studies - Read textbook pages 262-267 then complete American Revolution Unit packet page 102.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday, May 1st

Writing - No Writing: Late-Start Schedule.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 286, 287-288, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #16

Math - No Homework

Social Studies - Read textbook pages 253-255 then complete American Revolution Unit packet page 100.