Classroom Resources

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday, April 30th

Writing - We began sharing our persuasive essays today, we will continue tomorrow.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 281 and 284-285, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #16

Math - StudyLink 12.1

Social Studies - Read textbook pages 242-245 then complete American Revolution Unit packet page 96.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 29th

Writing - We will share our finished drafts tomorrow.

Reading - Free Reading and Book Journal Entry #16

Math - No Homework

Social Studies - Complete and study vocabulary notecards, read textbook pages 235-239, then complete American Revolution Unit Packet page 92 (be sure to include the page #'s).

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday, April 26th

Writing - We began editing, revising, and publishing our persuasive drafts, we will share our finished drafts on Monday.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 278 & 280, Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #15

Math - StudyLink 12.1 and 12.2

Science - Physical Science Benchmark Assessment: No Homework.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday, April 25th

Writing - We began editing, revising, and publishing our persuasive drafts, we will share our finished drafts on Monday.

Reading - Free Reading and Book Journal Entry #15

Math - HomeLink #'s 50 and 51.

Science - No Science: 5th Grade Concert Practice

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday, April 23rd

Writing - We continued working on our persuasive drafts by finishing our drafts, we will begin publishing on Thursday.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 251 & 275-276; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #15

Math - Unit 11 Assessment: NO HOMEWORK.

Science - We continued reviewing Simple Machines by completing the Conclusion and Review problems on textbook pages 160-161.  Homework: Simple Machines Study Guide.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday, April 22nd

Writing - We continued working on our persuasive drafts by focusing on restating our opinion at the end of our essay.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 258-259, 262, 263; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #14

Math - StudyLink 11.7

Science - We continued learning about simple machines by reading about the Wright brothers and the simple machines they used in the Wright Flyer. Homework: Simple Machines Study Guide.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday, April 19th

Writing - We continued working on our persuasive drafts by focusing on using our reasons/supporting details throughout our essays.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 256-257 & 253; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #14

Math - StudyLink 11.6

Science - We continued learning about simple machines by reading about everyday tools and identifying more real-world examples.  Homework: Simple Machines 4.4 (Part 2) Questions.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday, April 18th

Writing - We continued working on our persuasive essay drafts by focusing on creating a strong opening statement that includes our opinion.

Reading - Unit 7 Inquiry Research; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #14

Math - Volume of Pyramids and Cones Worksheet: Remember pi (π) has a value of about 3.14

Science - We continued learning about simple machines by watching "Bill Nye - Simple Machines" and completing notes and the video quiz.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday, April 17th

Writing - Late Start Schedule: No Writing.

Reading - Practice Companion page 250 & 252; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #14

Math - Volume of Cylinders Worksheet: Remember pi (π) has a value of about 3.14

Science - We continued learning about simple machines, focusing on wheels & axles and pulleys.  Complete "Simple Machines 4.4" for homework.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16th

Writing - Today we continued thinking of and writing about persuasive essay topics.

Reading - Practice Companion page 247; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #14

Math - StudyLink 11.2 (We skipped 11.1 from yesterday)

Science - We continued learning about simple machines, focusing on levers, inclined planes, screws, and wedges.  We will learn more about wheels & axles and pulleys tomorrow: NO HOMEWORK.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday, April 15th

Writing - Today we continued thinking of and writing about persuasive essay topics.

Reading - Practice Companion page 218; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #14

Math - HomeLink #46

Science- Simple Machines Questions 4.2

Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday, April 12th

Writing - Today we continued thinking of and writing about persuasive essay topics.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 231 & 244; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #13

Math - HomeLink #45

Science- Simple Machines packet pages 190 - 192

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday, April 11th

Writing - Today we continued thinking of topics to use for a persuasive essay.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 238 - 243; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #13

Math - StudyLink 10.9: Remember pi (π) has a value of about 3.14

Science - Force & Motion Test: No Homework.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday, April 10th

Writing - No Writing: Late Start Schedule.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 233 & 236-237; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #13

Math - We will continue learning about pi tomorrow: No Homework

Science - Conclusion and Review on textbook pages 118 - 119 and Force and Motion Study Guide: TEST THURSDAY

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday, April 9th

Writing - Today we began thinking of topics to use for a persuasive essay.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 230 & 232; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #13

Math - Math Journal page 362

Science - Force and Motion Study Guide: TEST THURSDAY

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday, April 5th

Writing - Today we finished sharing our expository non-fiction drafts.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 201; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #12

Math - StudyLink 10.7

Science - Today we continued learning about Newton's laws of motion by completing an investigation over force, mass, and speed: NO HOMEWORK.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday, April 4th

Writing - Today we continued publishing and sharing our expository non-fiction drafts.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 205, 215, & 227-228; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #12

Math - StudyLink 10.6

Science - Today we continued learning about Newton's laws of motion, focusing on the second law of motion:  The speed of an object depends on the mass of the object and the size of the force acting on it.  Homework: "Before You Move On" Questions 3.6

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday, April 2nd

Writing - Today we continued publishing and sharing our expository non-fiction drafts.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 207 & 210-211; Free Reading, and Book Journal Entry #12

Math - StudyLink 10.5

Science - Today we continued learning about Newton's laws of motion, focusing on the first law of motion:  An object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.