Classroom Resources

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday, January 31st

Writing - We self-assessed and pair-conferred about our fiction drafts then continued editing and revising.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 66 & 68; Free Reading; and Book Journal Entry #4

Math - Math Journal pages 248 & 249 and StudyLink 8.1

Social Studies - Begin preparing and gathering materials for the Colonies Unit Project: PLEASE HAVE ALL MATERIALS READY AND AT SCHOOL BY TOMORROW.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday, January 29th

***Westwood Spirit Night: The basketball game tonight against Marshalltown has been rescheduled due to  the potential for inclement weather.  Another date for Spirit Night is yet to be determined.***

Writing - We checked for consistency of point of view in our fiction drafts then continued editing and revising.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 63; Free Reading; and Book Journal


Social Studies - COLONIES UNIT TEST TOMORROW: Please use your vocabulary notecards and Jeopardy! Review Game to help prepare.  Begin preparing and gathering materials for the Colonies Unit Project: PLEASE HAVE ALL MATERIALS READY AND AT SCHOOL ON THURSDAY.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday, January 28th

Writing - We looked for ways to improve the setting of our fiction stories then began editing and revising them.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 34; Free Reading; and Book Journal

Math - StudyLink 7.11

Social Studies - Begin preparing and gathering materials for the Colonies Unit Project: PLEASE HAVE ALL MATERIALS READY AND AT SCHOOL ON THURSDAY.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday, January 25th

Writing - NO WRITING: We took writing time today to fit in Reading because of IA Assessments.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 47, 56, & 60; Free Reading; and Book Journal

Math - StudyLink 7.10

Social Studies - Read pages 222-227 and take notes over "Travel By Post Road; Life on Plantations & Farms; and Lifestyle of Enslaved People."  Next complete Colonies Unit packet page 88: BE SURE TO INCLUDE PAGE #'S WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday, January 24th

Writing - We began editing and revising our fiction draft, we will continue this over the next several days.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 54-55, 57, & 59; Free Reading; and Book Journal


Social Studies - Finish "Events" for 1663, 1729, and 1732 then find THREE more dates and events.  Next complete Colonies Unit packet page 84: BE SURE TO INCLUDE PAGE #'S WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday, January 23rd

Writing - NO WRITING: Late-Start Schedule.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 49, 52-53, & 58; Free Reading; and Book Journal


Social Studies - Read textbook pages 211-214 then complete Colonies Unit packet page 82: BE SURE TO INCLUDE PAGE #'S WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday, January 22nd

Writing - We conferred with our writing partners about our fiction story we are going to publish.

Reading - Free Reading and Book Journal

Math - StudyLink 7.9

Social Studies - Complete Colonies Unit packet page 76: BE SURE TO INCLUDE PAGE #'S WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday, January 18th

Writing - We selected which fiction story were are going to begin drafting starting next week.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 46 & 48; Free Reading; and Book Journal


Social Studies - Complete Colonies Unit packet page 72: BE SURE TO INCLUDE PAGE #'S WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday, January 17th

Writing - NO WRITING: We talked about test taking strategies in preparation for Iowa Assessments.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 17; Free Reading; and Book Journal

Math - StudyLink 7.8

Social Studies - Complete Colonies Unit packet page 70: BE SURE TO INCLUDE PAGE #'S WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday, January 16th

Writing - NO WRITING: Late-Start Schedule.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 21, 31, & 43-44; Free Reading; and Book Journal

Math - Math Journal page 233

Social Studies - Complete Colonies Unit packet page 64: BE SURE TO INCLUDE PAGE #'S WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday, January 15th

Writing - Today we read The Mysteries of Harris Burdick to help us develop another story to possibly publish starting on Thursday.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 28-29 & 30; Free Reading; and Book Journal

Math - StudyLink 7.7

Social Studies - Complete Colonies Unit packet page 62: BE SURE TO INCLUDE PAGE #'S WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday, January 14th

Writing - Today we read The Summer My Father Was Ten to help us develop our characters in our fiction story.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 23 & 26-27; Free Reading; and Book Journal

Math - StudyLink 7.6

Social Studies - Complete Colonies Unit packet page 60: BE SURE TO INCLUDE PAGE #'S WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday, January 11th

Writing - Today we read Just a Dream to help us develop our characters in our fiction story.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 20 & 22; Free Reading; and Book Journal

Math - Order of Operations Worksheet B & D

Social Studies - Study vocabulary notecards

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday, January 10th

Writing - Today we read The Lotus Seed to help us develop character, plot, and setting in our fiction story.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 3 & 13; Free Reading; and Book Journal

Math - Math Journal pages 222, 223, and 224

Social Studies - Study vocabulary notecards

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday, January 9th

Writing - NO WRITING: Late-start schedule.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 10-11 and 12; Free Reading; and Book Journal

Math - Simplifying Fractions Worksheet

Social Studies - Study vocabulary notecards

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday, January 8th

Writing - Today we read Uncle Jed's Barbershop to help us develop dialogue in our fiction stories.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 5, 8-9; Free Reading; and Book Journal

Math - StudyLink 7.4

Social Studies - "Choose Your Spot" Activity and study vocabulary notecards

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday, January 7th

Writing - Today we read The Sweetest Fig by Chris Van Allsburg to help us develop characters in our fiction stories.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 2 & 4, Free Reading, and Book Journal

Math - StudyLink 7.3

Social Studies - Complete AND study vocabulary notecards

Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday, January 4th

Writing - No Homework

Reading - Homework: Free Reading

Math - No Homework

Science - No Homework

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday, January 3rd


Reading - Today we completed the first half of the Reading Benchmark Assessment, we will finish it tomorrow.  Homework: Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 7.2

Science - Earth Science Jeopardy Review