Classroom Resources

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday, October 31st

Writing - Late Start Schedule: NO WRITING.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 212-213 & 214; Book Journal; and Free Reading.

Math - Math Journal Page 127

Social Studies - Read pages 73-78 & 80-85 then complete packet pages 26 & 30.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, October 30th

Writing - Today we continued working on a personal narrative about an interesting event from our lives and incorporationg sensory details, we will continue working on these over the next few days.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 210-211 & 207; Book Journal; and Free Reading.

Math - StudyLink 5.2

Social Studies - Today we reviewed the Early Native American groups by completing and discussing a comprehension worksheet.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, October 29th

Writing - Today we began working on a personal narrative about an interesting event from our lives and incorporationg sensory details, we will continue working on these over the next few days.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 204 & 206; Book Journal; and Free Reading.

Math - StudyLink 5.1

Social Studies - Today we learned about Native American groups of the West by reading textbook pages 58-63 and completing the accompanying packet page.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, October 26th

Writing - Today we began working on a personal narrative about an interesting event from our lives, we will continue working on these over the next few days.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 187& 197; Book Journal; and Free Reading.

Math - Finish StudyLink Packet

Social Studies - Today we had members of the Ankeny Fire Department visit with the 5th Grade about systems of the human body:  NO HOMEWORK.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, October 25th

Writing - Today we began working on a personal narrative about a special object in our life, we will continue this over the next few days.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 194-195 & 196; Book Journal (DUE TOMORROW); and Free Reading.

Math - Finish StudyLink 4.7

***Unit 4 Progress Assessment TOMORROW***

Social Studies - Reread textbook pages 52-55 and complete "Early Exploration Unit" Packet page 20.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday, October 24th

Writing - No Writing: Late-Start Schedule.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 192-193 & 189; Book Journal; and Free Reading.

Math - StudyLink 4.7
***Unit 4 Progress Assessment on FRIDAY***
Social Studies - Read textbook pages 52-55

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday, October 23rd

Writing - We finished sharing final drafts, be thinking about a special object that you could write about for a personal narrative.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 186 & 188; Book Journal; and Free Reading.

Math - Math Interim Test #1: NO HOMEWORK

Social Studies - Read textbook pages 40-46

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, October 22nd

Writing - We continued sharing final drafts: NO HOMEWORK.

Reading - Readers' Theater and Free Reading.

Math - StudyLink 4.6

Social Studies - We started learning about Early Americans today by reading and discussing textbook pages 35-39: NO HOMEWORK

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, October 19th

Writing - We will continue sharing final drafts Monday, use the extra time to finish if necessary.

Reading - Free Reading.

Math - StudyLink 4.5

Science - Life Science Benchmark Test: NO HOMEWORK

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday, October 18th

Writing - We will continue sharing final drafts tomorrow, use the extra time to finish if necessary.

Reading - Free Reading.
***Quarterly Benchmark Test TOMORROW***

Math - StudyLink 4.4 (Yes again, we had to do some catching up from yesterday's lesson)

Science - Be sure your Life Science Packet is completed, this will help you review for the Life Science Benchmark Test TOMORROW.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday, October 17th


Reading - Practice Companion pages 175; and Free Reading.
***Differentiated Unit Reading Test TOMORROW***

Math - StudyLink 4.4

Science - Today we continued reviewing for our Systems of the Human Body Test:
***Systems of the Human Body Chapter Test TOMORROW***

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday, October 16th

Writing - Today we continued publishing our draft:  FINAL DRAFT IS DUE THURSDAY.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 159, 183-184; and Free Reading.
***Differentiated Unit Reading Test TOMORROW***
Math - StudyLink 4.3

Science - Today we continued reviewing for our Systems of the Human Body Test:
***Systems of the Human Body Chapter Test on Thursday, Oct. 18th***

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday, October 15th

Writing - Today we continued publishing our draft, focusing on capitalization and punctuation.

Reading - Inquiry: Search for material related to your inquiry question; Practice Companion pages 166-167, 170 & 171; and Free Reading.

Math - No Homework:  Math Differentiation Groups today.

Science - Today we completed an experiment over how much carbon dioxide is in our lungs.  We also started reviewing for our Systems of the Human Body Test:
***Systems of the Human Body Chapter Test on Thursday, Oct. 18th***

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday, October 12th

Writing - Today we continued publishing our draft.

Reading - Inquiry: Search for material related to your inquiry question; Practice Companion pages 161 & 164-165; and Free Reading.

Math - StudyLink 4.2

Science - No Science: Fall Party this afternoon.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday, October 11th

Writing - Today we continued publishing our draft by focusing on finding & correcting spelling errors.

Reading - Inquiry: Search for material related to your inquiry question; Practice Companion pages 158 & 160; and Free Reading.

Math - StudyLink 4.1

Science - Today we continued learning about systems of the human body by comparing how our senses work to how they work in other organisms.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday, October 10th

***We start Safety Patrol NEXT WEEK!  Please check out the schedule by clicking here for dates and posts.***

Writing - No Writing Today: Late-Start Schedule

Reading - Inquiry: Search for material related to your inquiry question; Practice Companion pages 165; and Free Reading.

Math - FINISH the StudyLink Packet (EXCEPT FOR 3.9) and have ready to turn in TOMORROW.

Science - Today we continued learning about systems of the human body by focusing on the nervous system.  We also compared how our systems work to how they work in other organisms.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday, October 9th

Writing - We started publishing our draft today, we will continue this on Thursday.

Reading - Inquiry: Search for material related to your inquiry question; Practice Companion pages 126; and Free Reading.

Math - StudyLink 3.10
***Unit 3 Written Assessment TOMORROW***

Science - Today we continued learning about systems of the human body by focusing on the nervous system.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday, October 5th

Writing - We continued revising our draft in preparation for publishing, focusing creating an interesting beginning to "hook" our readers.

Reading - Inquiry: Search for material related to your inquiry question; Practice Companion pages 139 & 152; and Free Reading.

Math - Math Journal page 90 (Use SRB page 396 for help).

Science - Today we continued learning about systems of the human body by focusing on the digestive and excretory systems.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, October 4th

Writing - We continued revising our draft in preparation for publishing, focusing on deleting confusing and unnecessary parts.

Reading - Inquiry: Search for material related to your inquiry question; Practice Companion pages 146-147, 149, & 151; and Free Reading.

Math - No Homework: We will continue Lesson 3.9 tomorrow.

Science - Today we continued learning about the circulatory and respiratory systems by watching "Bill Nye: Blood & Circulation" and completing a comprehension check.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday, October 3rd

Writing - No Writing: Late Start Schedule

Reading - Inquiry: Search for material related to your inquiry question; Practice Companion pages 141, 144-145, & 150; and Free Reading.

Math - Study Link 3.8

Science - Today we continued learning about the circulatory and respiratory systems by completing a "Pair & Share" project using TruFlix.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday, October 2nd

Writing - We continued revising our draft in preparation for publishing, focusing on replacing overused words.

Reading - Inquiry: Search for material related to your inquiry question; Practice Companion pages 138 & 140; and Free Reading.

Math - Study Link 3.7

Science - Today we continued learning about the circulatory and respiratory systems by starting a "Pair & Share" project using TruFlix.
Unit 2 - Seeking the Unknown Inquiry Project Wiki:

Don't Forget:  Students, you need to be looking for material related to your inquiry questions!

I am in the process of creating a wiki where students can collaborate together and post items related to their inquiry question.  Please be looking for this on the school fusion page.  Thanks!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, October 1st

Welcome to Mr. Erickson's Classroom Blog!

Writing - We did not have Writing today because we had to do some catch-up work in Math.

Reading - Inquiry: Search for material related to your inquiry question; and Free Reading.

Math - Study Link 3.6

Science - Today we continued learning about the systems of the human body by focusing on the circulatory and respiratory systems.