Classroom Resources

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday, August 31st

Math - Lesson 8: Pg. 32-33 #1-28 ODD

Language - NO HOMEWORK

Reading - Free Reading

Reading Skinny - NONE


Spelling - Check out SpellingCity.Com to practice Week #1 Words:  FINAL TEST ON FRIDAY!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday, August 30th

Math - Lesson 7: Pg. 28-29 #1-28

Language - NO HOMEWORK

Reading - There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom Ch. 15-21 Packet

Reading Skinny - NONE

Science - FINISH "Experiments" Activity in Science Packet

Spelling - Check out SpellingCity.Com to practice Week #1 Words

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, August 29th

Math - Lesson 6: Pg. 23-24 #2-28 EVEN

Language - NO HOMEWORK

Reading - Free Reading

Reading Skinny - NONE

Science - FINISH "Writing Hypotheses" Activity in Science Packet

Spelling - Check out SpellingCity.Com to practice List #1 Words

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday, August 26th


Math - Lesson 5: Pg. 17-19 #1-28
Language - NO HOMEWORK

Reading - There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom Chapters 10-14 Packet and Independent Reading

Reading Skinny - NONE

Science - FINISH "Predicting Problems" Activity in Science Packet

Spelling - Check out SpellingCity.Com to practice Placement Test Words

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday, August 25th

Math - Lesson 4: NO HOMEWORK

Language - NO HOMEWORK

Reading - There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom Chapters 6-10 Packet and Independent Reading

Reading Skinny - NONE

Science - FINISH "Identifying Variables" Activity in Science Packet

Spelling - Placement Test: NO HOMEWORK

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 24th

Math - Lesson 3: Page 10-11 #1-27 ODD ONLY

Language - NONE

ReadingThere's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom Chapters 1-5 Packet and Independent Reading

Reading Skinny - NONE

Science - "Photographic Inferences" Writing Activity

Spelling - Placement Test: NO HOMEWORK

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday, August 23rd

Math - Lesson 2: Page 6-7 #2-26 EVEN ONLY

Language - Nameless Profile Quiz: NO HOMEWORK

Reading - Introduction to Book Report and Book Review for Independent Reading

Reading Skinny - NONE

Science - Journal Entry: Observe and record using all FIVE senses.

Spelling - Placement Test: NO HOMEWORK

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday, August 22nd

***School Pictures TOMORROW***

Math - Lesson 1: Page 3 #1-25

Language - Nameless Profile Quiz: NO HOMEWORK

Reading - Book Walk: NO HOMEWORK

Reading Skinny - NONE

Science - NONE

Spelling - NONE

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday, August 19th

Math - Math PreTest: NO HOMEWORK

Language - Finished Nameless Profiles: NO HOMEWORK

Reading - Finish Book Cover & Review

Reading Skinny - NONE

Science - Observe & Record TEN details about your room

Spelling - NONE

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday, August 18th

Math - NONE

Language - Worked on Nameless Profiles, will finish tomorrow: NO HOMEWORK

Reading - Bring in a finished book by tomorrow and find a free reading book

Reading Skinny - NONE

Science - Paper Bag Test: NO HOMEWORK

Spelling - NONE