Classroom Resources

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday, September 30th

Reading I & II - SP pg. 8 and Independent Reading

***All Unit 1 Independent Reading is due on Friday, October 8th at 3:15 PM***

6E & 6T Science - NONE

6E Social Studies - Map Unit Study Guide
***Map Unit Test TOMORROW***

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 29th

Reading I & II - SP pg. 63-64, Comprehension Skills paragraph (Block 1 ONLY), Meet the Author/Illustrator & Theme Connections, and Independent Reading

***All Unit 1 Independent Reading is due on Friday, October 8th at 3:15 PM***

6E & 6T Science - NONE

6E Social Studies - DG #5 (Due TOMORROW) and Map Unit Study Guide

***Map Unit Test on Friday, October 1st***

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday, September 28th

Reading I & II - SP pg. 65-66 (Due Tomorrow) and Independent Reading

***All Unit 1 Independent Reading is due on Friday, October 8th at 3:15 PM***

6E & 6T Science - NONE

6E Social Studies - DG #5 (Due Thursday) and Map Unit Study Guide

***Map Unit Test on Friday, October 1st***

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, September 24th

Reading I & II - Lesson 4 (Yellow Cover) Packet Evaluation and Independent Reading

***All Unit 1 Independent Reading is due on Friday, October 8th at 3:15 PM***

6E & 6T Science - Lifeboat Math Extension EXTRA CREDIT (Due Tuesday)

6E Social Studies - GeoThemes 19-20 (Due Tuesday) and Map Unit Study Guide

***Map Unit Test on Friday, October 1st***

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, September 23rd

Reading I & II - SP pg. 8 and Independent Reading

***All Unit 1 Independent Reading is due on Friday, October 8th at 3:15 PM***

6E & 6T Science - NONE

6E Social Studies - GeoThemes 19-20 (Due Tuesday) and Map Unit Study Guide
***Map Unit Test on Friday, October 1st***

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday, September 22nd

Reading I & II - SP pg. 49-50 (Due TOMORROW) and Independent Reading

***All Unit 1 Independent Reading is due on Friday, October 8th at 3:15 PM***
6E & 6T Science - NONE

6E Social Studies - DG #4 and GeoThemes 17-18 (Both Due TOMORROW)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday, September 21st

Reading I & II - SP pg. 51-52 (Due TOMORROW)

6E & 6T Science - NONE

6E Social Studies - GeoThemes 17-18 (Due Thursday)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, September 20th

Reading I & II - Lesson 3 Packet Evaluations (with Parent/Guardian Signature)

6E & 6T Science - NONE

6E Social Studies - GeoThemes 13-14 & 15-16 (Due TOMORROW)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, September 17th

Reading I & II - Independent Reading
***Lesson 3 Assessment on MONDAY***

6E & 6T Science - NONE

6E Social Studies - GeoThemes 13-14 & 15-16 (Due TUESDAY)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday, September 16th

Reading I & II - Independent Reading

***Block 2 Reading MAP Test TOMORROW***

6E Science - Pendulum Response Sheet
6T Science - Finish Pendulum Picture Graph

6E Social Studies - NONE

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday, September 15th

Reading I & II - Independent Reading

***Block 1 Reading MAP Test TOMORROW,
Block 2 on FRIDAY***

6E & 6T Science - NONE

6E Social Studies - DG #3 and GeoThemes 11-12 (Due TOMORROW)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday, September 14th

Reading II - SP pg. 31-32 & 33-34 and Independent Reading (DUE TOMORROW)

6E Science - Finish "Mass & Position" Graph

6E Social Studies - DG #3 and GeoThemes 11-12 (Due Thursday)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, September 13th

Reading I - SP pg. 31-32 & 33-34, Comprehension Skills, and Independent Reading (DUE WEDNESDAY)

6T Science - Finish "Mass & Position" Graph

6E Social Studies - GeoThemes 9-10 (Due TOMORROW)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday, September 10th

Reading I & II - Lesson 2 Packet Evaluations (w/Parent Signature) and Independent Reading

6E & 6T Science - NONE

6E Social Studies - GeoThemes 9-10 (Due TUESDAY)


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday, September 9th

Reading I & II - SP pg. 7 and Independent Reading

6E & 6T Science - Journal Entry: Define pendulum, frequency, and variable.

6E Social Studies - GeoThemes 9-10 (Due TUESDAY)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday, September 8th

Reading I - SP pg. 15-16 & 20, Meet the Author/Illustrator & Theme Connections, and Independent Reading
Reading II -SP pg. 15-16 and Independent Reading

6E & 6T Science - Journal Entry: Brainstorm and list FIVE variables that would affect the swinging of a pendulum.

6E Social Studies - DG #2 (Due TOMORROW) and GeoThemes 7-8 (Due TOMORROW)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday, September 7th

Reading I & II -SP pg. 17-18 and Independent Reading

6E & 6T Science - NONE

6E Social Studies - DG #2 (Due THURSDAY) and GeoThemes 7-8 (DueTHURSDAY)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday, September 3rd

Reading I & II -Packet Evaluation (w/Parent Signature) and Independent Reading

6E & 6T Science - Finish "Oobleck" Wksht

6E Social Studies - GeoThemes 3-4 & 5-6 (DUE TUESDAY)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday, September 2nd

Reading I & II - Inquiry Process (SP pg. 7) and Independent Reading
***Unit 1 Lesson 1 Assessment is TOMORROW!!!***

6E & 6T Science - Finish "Experiments" Activity: Ask a question, then design an experiment that could find the answer.

6E Social Studies - GeoThemes 1-2 (DUE TOMORROW!)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday, September 1st

Reading I & II - Independent Reading

6E & 6T Science - Finish the "Writing Hypotheses" Activity

6E Social Studies - DG #1 (Due TOMORROW)